[Nhcoll-l] rehydrating dried bird skin: searching for old text or new resources

Opitz, Cindy E cindy-opitz at uiowa.edu
Thu Aug 12 16:09:18 EDT 2021

Does anyone have access to this text? I can find citations but not the actual text.
Summers. P. (1979). Relaxing and cleaning old cabinet bird skins. Guild of Taxidermists Newsletter, 4, 22-24.<https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEJ_en&sxsrf=ALeKk00LypmpO2Io5kz1mF7Z8JzLEicgKg:1628792498928&q=Summers.+P.+(1979).+Relaxing+and+cleaning+old+cabinet+bird+skins.+Gui1d+of+Taxidermists+Newsletter,+4,+22%E2%80%9424.&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiTrb7yjKzyAhXYbc0KHXb8BmYQgwN6BAgBEAE>

Or, can anyone suggest newer resources on rehydrating old, dried bird skin? My current application is for removing bones from a dried bird wing, without damaging the feathers. Can a 100-year-old skin be rehydrated for bone extraction?

Cindy Opitz (she/her)
Director of Research Collections
Museum of Natural History and Old Capitol Museum
Instructor, Museum Studies Certificate Program
11 Macbride Hall, Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Office: 319.335.0481
cindy-opitz at uiowa.edu<mailto:cindy-opitz at uiowa.edu>
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