[Nhcoll-l] Employment opportunity - Project Leader of the Danish System of Scientific Collections (DaSSCo)

Nikolaj Scharff nscharff at snm.ku.dk
Sat Aug 21 07:58:46 EDT 2021

The Natural History Museum of Denmark (NHMD), Faculty of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen is leading a new project to digitize Danish natural history collections and is looking for a fixed-term Project Leader to manage the Project Team. The position is available from 1 October 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter and will run for 5 years.

An exciting opportunity to be part of the new museum project. Check the job announcement below! Deadline is September 16, 2021.


Best wishes
Nikolaj Scharff

Nikolaj Scharff, PhD
Deputy Museum Director
Professor, Head of Collections & Research

Natural History Museum of Denmark
Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen

E-mail: nscharff at snm.ku.dk<mailto:nscharff at snm.ku.dk>
Webpage: http://snm.ku.dk/people/nscharff

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