[Nhcoll-l] Update: 2021 AIC and SPNHC Joint Virtual Annual Meeting

Julian Carter Julian.Carter at museumwales.ac.uk
Thu Feb 11 08:12:50 EST 2021

Join us from the comfort of your lab, office, or living room for the 2021 AIC and SPNHC Joint Virtual Annual Meeting from May 10 - June 24, with a week of pre-sessions May 3-7.

Planning continues on this year's joint virtual conference<https://www.culturalheritage.org/events/annual-meeting/current-meeting> between the American Institute for Conservation (AIC) and the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC). Registration is open, and the draft schedule<https://www.culturalheritage.org/events/annual-meeting/current-meeting/2021-conference-schedule> available online, which is continually being updated.

Over 150 talks, sessions and workshops on all aspects of the conservation, management, care and use of collections have been put together over the course of the conference. There are a whole variety of joint sessions to explore, along with more specialist sessions for the SPNHC community such as on digitisation and molecular technologies, along with the welcome return of the popular 'Specimen Spotlight'.

Additional SPNHC content is currently being finalised by the conference team. This includes a series of fun social events to enable people to meet and catch up, and a series of collection tour sessions. Keep an eye out for the updates as these activities are confirmed in the next few weeks.

Meanwhile the date of the SPNHC ABM has been set for Thursday May 27th at 09:30 EDT (UTC-4), with committee meetings during the week commencing May 17th.

Registration is open<https://learning.culturalheritage.org/p/2021AICannualmeeting#tab-product_tab_overview>, and discounts are on offer for those who register by February 28, 2021. The early registration rate is just $125 (USD) for SPNHC and AIC members and $75 (USD) for student members through February 28, 2021. To join SPNHC or renew your membership please visit https://spnhc.org/get-involved/become-a-member/ .
To support our members attending the conference SPNHC is offering grants to cover conference registration. Any SPNHC member who works in fields related to the management and preservation/conservation of natural history collections may apply; we especially encourage students and emerging professionals. SPNHC members from the following countries are strongly encouraged to apply-Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 15, 2021, COB (close of business your local time). For further information please visit Awards and Grants | The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (spnhc.org)<https://spnhc.org/what-spnhc-does/awards-and-grants/>

We look forward to welcoming you to the conference. Any queries, questions or ideas please contact the conference committee chair, Julian Carter<mailto:julian.carter at museumwales.ac.uk>.

Julian Carter
Prif Gadwraethydd, Gwyddorau Naturiol / Principal Conservator Natural Sciences
julian.carter at amgueddfacymru.ac.uk<mailto:julian.carter at amgueddfacymru.ac.uk>
julian.carter at museumwales.ac.uk<mailto:julian.carter at museumwales.ac.uk>
Twitter: @NatHistConserve
Ffon/Tel: (+44) 029 20573230 / (+44)07870448074

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