[Nhcoll-l] New, free publication

Hawks, Catharine HawksC at si.edu
Wed Jun 9 15:29:13 EDT 2021

In March of 2020, just days before the pandemic shutdown, SAAM and NCP hosted a symposium titled Stemming the Tide: Global Strategies for Sustaining Cultural Heritage through Climate Change.  It included a series of presentations and discussions that explore the intersection of cultural heritage and climate change. The two-day event addressed the impact of climate change on cultural heritage and communities worldwide, discussed the responsibilities of stewards of cultural heritage in fostering collaborative solutions, addressed urgent questions of equity and inclusion, and identified strategies that leverage cultural heritage for climate action.

We are excited to announce that essays and breakout session summaries from Stemming the Tide are now published online through the Smithsonian Scholarly Press (SISP). The volume is open access and available to read and download, at no cost, from SISP's portal on Figshare<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.com%2Fv3%2F__https%3A%2F%2Fnam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com%2F%3Furl%3Dhttps*3A*2F*2Furldefense.com*2Fv3*2F__https*3A*2F*2Fsmithsonian.figshare.com*2FScholarlyPress__*3B!!DZ3fjg!pCFGoTA11B2RqdY9xtz15R7SxK_LuqPZkSh_2l98yq-NPDkQs1vlcn29w-CzYGezXg*24%26data%3D04*7C01*7Csanjuro*40si.edu*7C72cf3e6de8e448b5955508d8f08da543*7C989b5e2a14e44efe93b78cdd5fc5d11c*7C0*7C0*7C637523838456974305*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000%26sdata%3DZJrD3OsTXfCzjB708o5fgf8k4fXGSmUE*2Bh4oQU898ao*3D%26reserved%3D0__%3BJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!DZ3fjg!qxbXxypiSeQHvt_S495uPxmA-Av5TtVWNfnNOK4fSfaoQHfK34CjTpO7fit0CTk-9w%24&data=04%7C01%7CBARNETTL%40si.edu%7C0f1b411d0dab4845906408d8f132bd26%7C989b5e2a14e44efe93b78cdd5fc5d11c%7C0%7C0%7C637524547521346922%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=Ci4sqs1vdD5oTyl5ywxzC6pzk02ZF5FQDiYrYuVGzdI%3D&reserved=0>.

  *   DOI link is https://doi.org/10.5479/si.14750727 -- Share this link with the contributors, your colleagues, etc. This link will resolve directly to the version of record. The DOI link should be placed on other websites  (rather than other sites posting the PDF) to point readers to your work, allowing Figshare to accurately count views, downloads, and social media activity.
  *   Alternate, landing-page link: https://smithsonian.figshare.com/articles/book/Stemming_the_Tide_Global_Strategies_for_Sustaining_Cultural_Heritage_through_Climate_Change/14750727

  *   The top portion of the cover is white, it could appear at first glance that the top banner is blank. Just click "Explore more content" then click "Fit to Screen" (right corner of PDF viewer) to view the PDF. You can navigate through the pages onscreen or download the full PDF.

SAAM and NCP are grateful to so many people within the Smithsonian and to our collaborating partners who made this symposium and the public dialogue possible.  If you are interested in learning more about the event, or seeing the recorded presentations please visit the webpage: https://americanart.si.edu/research/symposia/2020/stemming-the-tide


Amber Kerr
Head of Conservation
Smithsonian American Art Museum and Renwick Gallery
kerra at si.edu<mailto:kerra at si.edu> | (202) 633-4346

[SAAM logo]

Catharine Hawks (she, her, hers)
Collections Program
MRC 170 Rm M85-J
National Museum of Natural History
10th Street & Constitution Ave NW
Washington DC 20560
w 202.633.0835 or 4041  c 703 200 4370
hawksc at si.edu<mailto:hawksc at si.edu>

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