[Nhcoll-l] Collections professionals with experience in entomology fluid preservation?

Genevieve Anderegg Genevieve.Anderegg at colorado.edu
Wed Nov 3 21:32:55 EDT 2021

Hi everyone,

I am a master's student studying Museum Studies at CU Boulder, and am
conducting my thesis on the collections management of fluid preserved
insect specimens. A component of my project is interviewing entomologists
that have experience with the preservation of insects in fluid (e. g.,
ethanol) to learn about their practices and record their tacit knowledge so
that it can be shared with the wider community. People with expertise in
this subject might work extensively with immature insects, or species that
have aquatic life stages.
Do you have any recommendations for entomologists that I should contact for
a possible interview? Please email me at: genevieve.anderegg at colorado.edu

This project has been approved by my university's IRB, and interviewees
would have to consent to their name being associated with their statements.
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in my project!

Genevieve Anderegg

University of Colorado Boulder
Museum and Field Studies MS (Collections/Field)
CUMNH Vertebrate Collections, McCain Lab
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