[Nhcoll-l] Nominations needed for SPNHC President-Elect and Secretary

Bethany Palumbo bethanypalumbo at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 13:05:56 EST 2021

Hi SPNHC members,

The SPNHC Elections are soon coming up but we currently have no-one
standing for the role of Secretary and only one member standing for
President-Elect. So, this is a call for self-nominations from the
membership. If you would like to stand for either of these roles, then
please contact me off-list asap and we can get you on the ballot. More
information about these roles can be found in our leadership manual at:

All the best,
Bethany Palumbo

SPNHC Elections Committee Chair

Bethany Palumbo, ACR
Palumbo Conservation Services

Twitter | @bethany_bug
Instagram | @palumbo_conservation
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