[Nhcoll-l] regulations on sending biological or geological material to another country in europe

Lennart Lennuk Lennart.Lennuk at loodusmuuseum.ee
Mon Oct 18 05:20:11 EDT 2021

Dear all,

This letter is foremost for those who deal with international loans in europe.

Is there any guidelines on regulations for biological and geological collections when sending
specimens to another country. Offcourse those regulations depend on the origin of specimens and also

I have only done one international loan this far. It was from Estonia to England.
I had to check the endangered species list – this time the species I was sending was not in the list but what if I want to send endangered species?
I also asked board of agriculture and board if there is need for theri permission – this far there was no permission needed because we send skulls that were already cleaned.

Is there any regulations on sending herbarium or geological specimens?

Best regards!
Lennart Lennuk
Head of collections
Estonian Museum of Natural History
+372 6603404, 56569916

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