[Nhcoll-l] BlackInNHMs- Your participation and assistance is requested

Flemming,Adania aflemming at flmnh.ufl.edu
Fri Sep 24 10:37:06 EDT 2021

Hello all,

I hope everyone is doing well, given the multiple pandemics we continue to weather.

Hopefully by now you have heard of Black in Natural History Museums (BlackInNHMs),some context is below. Thanks to all of those who have reached out to assist in one way or another. For folks who have not, at this time we ask that you please visit our landing page https://wlo.link/@blackinnhm.

  1.  If you are Black fill out the Black folx survey <https://forms.gle/RM2p6MuwJhugtMRd6> and share with others
  2.  If you are a white or a non-Black person of color fill out the ally survey<https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1NPFHc2K1SeaAPs>
  3.  Consider donating<https://tinyurl.com/BlackinNatHisMus> to this movement if you have not already done so
     *   ask your institutions or organizations to donate
  4.  Please follow the social media campaign and share with others
     *    twitter: @BlackInNHMs<https://twitter.com/BlackInNHMs>
     *    FB: https://tinyurl.com/BlackInNHMsFB.

Black in Natural History Museums Week (#BlackinNHMs) was founded by Adania Flemming and will take place on Oct 17- 23 (see agenda below). She was inspired by the many Black-in-“X” weeks on Twitter (Black in Entomology Week, Black Birders Week, Black Botanists Week and more) to organize an online event to share the stories, perspectives & knowledge of Black people in the NHM community.

During the week, we also hope to engage Black professionals in natural history museums and build a network. In support of these goals, BlackinNHM has identified several ways non-Black folks can help:

  *   Fundraising (individual donations or helping with fundraising infrastructure)
  *   Behind the scenes event support (help at the week long event to make sure it runs smoothly)
  *   Networking and Promotion (help to promote BINHM, share information to networks and other spaces)
  *   Website maintenance (keep content updated on website)
  *   Content creation (creating social media content and graphics)
  *   Social media (helping to live tweet during events)

If you can support BlackinNHM in any of these ways please complete the survey below.
Thank you,
Black In Natural History Museums Planning Team,
Adania Flemming, Alnycea Blackwell, Hank Bart, Janet Buckner, Nicole Cannarozzi, Sorilis Ruiz-Escobar, Jessica Ware, Lisa White, Miranda Lowe, Phillip Skipwith, Michael Franklin, Scott Edwards, Aaron Woodruff, Nick Martinez, Brianna Mims, Hadeel Saad, and Melissa Kemp

Adania Flemming M.S.
Pronouns:<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.mypronouns.org_what-2Dand-2Dwhy&d=DwMGaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=zThVZankKygkmOSU-DBh_YxCMdMo43h3aMJBSnI8M6c&m=52f2X9OtFcSDGRLM0XUJ77f5-zjFCYwYArT8ZkhXKMc&s=u0gctAQkmIRkamtvvL7ble1cfostm09CntkF7uSou50&e=> She/her/hers
Department of Biology
Florida Museum of Natural History<https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/>/iDigBio<https://www.idigbio.org/>/TESI<https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/earth-systems/about-the-institute/>
University of Florida
Office Phone: 352-273-1951
Email: aflemming at flmnh.ufl.edu<mailto:aflemming at ufl.edu>
FMSA Website: https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/student-association/
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