[Nhcoll-l] specimens in glycerol

Haff, Tonya (NCMI, Crace) Tonya.Haff at csiro.au
Thu Feb 24 22:22:44 EST 2022

Hello all,

I am wondering if any of you would give me your thoughts on what the best way to keep very small soft parts (I'm thinking bat bacula and bird tongues) that have been stored in very small vials in glycerol. I would like to store them together in larger jars filled with preservation fluid, with wadding instead of lids on each vial, both for space reasons and to prevent evaporation (the glycerol is pretty good but I have found a few that have dried out). My feeling is that if I do this, the preservation fluid should remain glycerol, but as I haven't done this before I thought I'd ask. Is there reason to switch the preservation fluid to something else, like 70% ETOH (which would involve changing the fluid in each vial), or is it ok to simply top the larger jar with glycerol? Any thoughts appreciated.



Dr. Tonya M. Haff
Collection Manager
Australian National Wildlife Collection

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