[Nhcoll-l] Topic for mailing list

Aqilah Shyaqifah aqilah.shyaqifah at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 21:40:47 EST 2022

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for posting topics on the mailing list. Would appreciate if the
following could be included:

Topic: *3D Scanner for Specimen Digitizing *

Our institution museum is looking toward digitizing the biological
collections which are mostly of dry specimens (mostly pinned insects, few
skin & skeletal specimens) and wet specimens (in ethanol jars).

Our objective is to have a high resolution image showing features of the
specimens. We would like to incorporate the use of a 3D scanner. Would
appreciate fellow colleagues who have worked in image capture/digitizing
the collections to share their experience, recommendations & considerations
on the type of scanner (brand, specs, features, set up etc...).

Many thanks!

Happy New Year & Best wishes,

Aqilah Shyaqifah

Collection Manager
Natural History Museum
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
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