[Nhcoll-l] budgeting for moving a collection

Luc Willemse luc.willemse at naturalis.nl
Tue Jan 25 02:06:48 EST 2022

Dear Colleen,

Interesting question and one we all have to deal with sooner or later.

Although I do not have specific suggestions or advice to give you right now
I do like to point out the fact that for SPNHC 2022 a symposium is
scheduled on Collection Move
6). The invitation for abstracts is presented below. Deadline to submit
abstracts is 28th January. A presentation on your situation, the questions
you have, without the answers but maybe with arguments or considerations on
how you are going to tackle them or how you think to find answers, would be
a welcome addition.

In order to extend the outcome of this symposium beyond SPNHC, the CETAF
Collections group is preparing a Blueprint on Collection move
The idea behind this document is that it should be a live document,
continuously receiving new information both regarding specific topics but
also about use cases (as every move is different) and that it will be
available for anyone looking for information.

SPNHC 2022 - Moving collections: curse, blessing or ...?
Moving collections is an integral part of day-to-day collection management
activities in natural history collections. Besides frequent, short distance
translocations of a few specimens or containers, from time to time large
scale moves are required. Generally such large scale collection moves only
take place with long intervals. Knowledge, experience and lessons learned
from previous moves of the same collection are therefore often outdated or
staff involved have left the organisation. Despite the ever increasing
communication possibilities for institutes and their staff, exchanging
information on collection moves is still a cumbersome process as
information, both regarding content, as well as experienced institutes and
people, is scattered.

This symposium is organized by the CETAF Collections Group as part of an
ongoing effort to establish a Blueprint Document on (large scale)
collection moves for natural history collections. We like to elicit
contributions linked to (large scale) collection moves tackling any of
these themes:
1. Rationale: here we expect general reflections on the reasons behind
collection moves, their necessity, the risks involved, the opportunities
they offer.
2. Roadmap: here we welcome contributions zooming in on one or several
aspects of a collection move from planning and budget to unpacking and
3. Case studies: here we expect contributions from organisations that
recently completed a collection move, are in the process of executing a
collection move or are still in the planning phase. Sharing experiences and
lessons learned is a key aspect of this symposium.
4. Innovative approaches: as a rule when planning a collection move there
is no time to start introducing innovations. Still a key aspect of
collection management is innovation and here we are looking for
contributions that think out of the box and surprise us with innovative
ideas or approaches for collection moves.

Hope this helps.

With Kind Regards

Luc Willemse
Senior Collection Manager Orthopteroids
Chair CETAF Collections Group

- +31638471668
luc.willemse at naturalis.nl - www.naturalis.nl
Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden
Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden

Op ma 24 jan. 2022 om 21:53 schreef Colleen Evans <
cevans at statenislandmuseum.org>:

> Hi everyone,
> As my institution starts to plan for moving our natural science
> collections in a few years, does anyone have any guidance or advice for
> determining a budget for the physical move? Are there specific moving
> companies or types of movers I should look into? Non-obvious packing or
> transport supplies? Something else? Note that things such as construction
> costs and cabinetry are already accounted for. I’m talking the actual
> packing and transporting between locations.
> Thanks in advance! Responses can be sent off-list.
> Best,
> Colleen
> Colleen Evans
> [she/her/hers]
> Director of Natural Science Interpretation and Collections
> [image: cid:image008.png at 01D7D64D.BE91A1C0]
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> *1000 Richmond Terrace, Bldg A*
> *Staten Island, NY 10301*
> P: (718) 483-7104
> CEvans at StatenIslandMuseum.org
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