[Nhcoll-l] Jewett papers/archives

Elizabeth Wommack ewommack at uwyo.edu
Wed Jul 27 18:27:00 EDT 2022

Hi Peter,

Maybe try the Wildlife Management Unit in DC? Or the Smithsonian? It looks like the obituary in the Murrelet was written from there: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3534216?seq=3#metadata_info_tab_contents
lln DRtmaram * * * tantry 6* 31t1:utti - JSTOR<https://www.jstor.org/stable/3534216?seq=3#metadata_info_tab_contents>
lln DRtmaram * * * tantry 6* 31t1:utti IRA N. GABRIELSON Stanley G. Jewett was a fine naturalist who knew intimately the birds, mammals, reptiles, and other living things of the Pacific Northwest.
Good luck!


Elizabeth Wommack, PhD
Curator and Collections Manager of Vertebrates
University of Wyoming Museum of Vertebrates
Berry Biodiversity Conservation Center
University of Wyoming,
Laramie, WY 82071
ewommack@<mailto:ewommack at berkeley.edu>uwyo.edu<http://uwyo.edu/>
pronouns: she, her, herself
UWYMV Collection Use Policy<http://www.uwymv.org/index.php/download_file/view/43/143/>
From: Nhcoll-l <nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> on behalf of Peter H Wimberger <phwimberger at pugetsound.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 3:36 PM
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Subject: [Nhcoll-l] Jewett papers/archives

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Hello NHCOLL folks,

Does anyone know if there is a museum or archive that holds the bulk of Stanley G. Jewett’s field notes, correspondence and other things?  I’ve looked online and can find very little. He apparently was good about taking field notes but I can’t find any record of them.



Peter Wimberger (he suite)

Director, Slater Museum of Natural History

Professor, Biology

University of Puget Sound

Tacoma, WA 98406

…living and working on the Homelands of the Puyallup Nation

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