[Nhcoll-l] Supplier for Silicone Buna-n Gaskets

Simon Moore couteaufin at btinternet.com
Thu Jul 28 04:56:40 EDT 2022

Many thanks Fabian,

I have tried EPDM as well but the rings that were made for the Le Parfait jars were quite hard (I’m not sure how you can tell unless you pull at them, and these were very difficult to get onto the jar lid and to actually stay there without slipping off again!  Most likely that the softer grades would be more user-friendly but the buna-n durometer is so far, long lasting and easy to apply to the lids with no slipping off.

With all good wishes, Simon

Simon Moore MIScT, RSci, FLS, ACR
Conservator of Natural Sciences and Cutlery Historian,


> On 28 Jul 2022, at 09:33, Fabian Neisskenwirth <info at naturhistorische-konservierung.de> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I would advice everyone who's interested in getting the rubber rings in whatever material they want (I prefer EPDM or FKM) to ask some local plastics processing company to make customized rings for them. 
> Depending of the manufacturer it could be a costs of around 1-2 Euros for the gasket, which thinking about the time that is saved in topping-up preservation fluid or cleaning degraded rubber from the jars, is totally worth it.
> Here you have some nice examples of a charge of FKM Rings I got a few years back for the Ruhr Museum:
> <IMG_4654%20Kopie.jpg>
> As said you can choose whatever plastic you prefer, but i have never heard of a "buna-n" (or NBR) - Silicon compound. Actually i think its not really possible to mix those. My advice, use silicone for water-based preservation fluids (e.g. formaldehyde solutions) and NBR or even better EPDM for alcoholic solutions, as ethanol can evaporate through the silicone.
> The company that did the work here for me is called FRANKSA GmbH (https://www.franksa.de/) its a technical rubber manufacturer. I imagine that you can find someone similar in the US or other European countries. The plastics come in large rolls that are cutted in the desired size.
> If you have a super low budget, you can buy the plastic role directly and cut the ring yourself. It work perfectly, but is kind of time consuming. But for 10-30 Rings its actually better, since the companies start from 500 rings usually. The best supplier for rubber rolls in Germany I know of is Reichelt: https://www.rct-online.de/de/halbzeuge/platten/gummiplatten-gummimatten-gummistreifen
> I'm sure if you ask them, they can find suppliers in other countries as well.
> Hope this helps a bit, since its very nice since you can get all the sizes you want. You can even have different hardness of the rubber and if desired even choose a specific color.
> But if you can afford it try to go for the good old grounded stopper jar, in the end its a very useful investment and saves a lot headaches for future museum professionals.
> All the best,
> Am 27.07.22 um 22:27 schrieb Dirk Neumann:
>> Hi all, 
>> thanks for sharing, Kris! Are there any manufacturers / retailers in good old Europe ? We have a similar problem and currently want to explore available options.
>> With best wishes
>> Dirk
>> Am 27.07.2022 um 22:07 schrieb Murphy, Kris:
>>> This is the company we use:
>>> Potomac Rubber Company
>>> 9011 Hampton Overlook
>>> Capitol Heights, MD  20743
>>> (301) 336-7400
>>> Kris Murphy, Museum Specialist
>>> Smithsonian Institution
>>> Museum Support Center
>>> VZ, Division of Fishes
>>> 4210 Silver Hill Road
>>> Suitland, MD  20746
>>> murphyk at si.edu
>>> From: Nhcoll-l <nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> On Behalf Of Shoobs, Nate
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 3:58 PM
>>> To: nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu
>>> Subject: [Nhcoll-l] Supplier for Silicone Buna-n Gaskets
>>> External Email - Exercise Caution
>>> Dear all,
>>> While we are phasing out bail-top jars for most new acquisitions in the Mollusk Collection at Ohio State, we are looking to purchase new gaskets because we still use bail-tops for lots with volumes above 1L.
>>> We use the standard Le Parfait jars in the following sizes – opening diameters:
>>> 1L – 84.6mm 
>>> 1.5 – 80.5 mm
>>> 2L – 84.0 mm
>>> 3L – 99.5 mm
>>> Anyone have a good bulk supplier of archival Silicone Buna-N gaskets for these? I vaguely remember a Smithsonian best practices document that had suppliers listed, but can’t find it online now.
>>> -Nate
>>> --
>>> <image001.png>
>>> Nathaniel F. Shoobs
>>> Curator of Mollusks
>>> College of Arts & Sciences Dept. of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
>>> Museum of Biological Diversity, 1315 Kinnear Rd, Columbus, OH 43212
>>> 614-688-1342 (Office)
>>> mbd.osu.edu
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