[Nhcoll-l] D.C. Area: Careers in Biodiversity Sciences Workshop

Mare Nazaire mnazaire at calbg.org
Thu Apr 6 14:48:14 EDT 2023

Greetings NHColl participants,

We are reaching out to tell you about a unique opportunity for faculty and
undergraduate students to learn about, and prepare for, careers in
biodiversity science (including collections science and organismal,
evolutionary, ecological, and environmental biology). The workshop takes
place in the Washington DC area, but is open to anyone willing/able to fund
their own travel and lodging. Applications are now open
the *Careers in Biodiversity Sciences Workshop for undergraduates at the
Smithsonian on April 21-22, 2023*. This opportunity is at no cost to
attendees, but registration is required. Spaces are limited and acceptance
will be first-come-first-served.

Please visit our Website
an agenda, event descriptions, and more information. We would very much
appreciate it if you passed this opportunity along to students at your
institution and would happily further engage you, and other interested
students and faculty as well! A flyer is attached to this email.

This event is in *collaboration* with the Smithsonian, Central Michigan
University, Biodiversity Literacy in Undergraduate Education, Society for
the Preservation of Natural History Collections, American Society of Plant
Taxonomists, the Society of Herbarium Curators, the Botanical Society of
America and the National Science Foundation.

We look forward to potentially seeing you and/or your students in
April! Please email Molly Phillips (phillips.map at gmail.com) with any
questions you have about this opportunity.


The Planning Team

Mare Nazaire, Ph.D.
Administrative Curator, Herbarium [RSA-POM]
California Botanic Garden
Research Assistant Professor, Claremont Graduate University
1500 North College Avenue
Claremont, California 91711
909.625.8767 ext. 268
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