[Nhcoll-l] Animal Classes song

Mike Rutherford Mike.Rutherford at glasgow.ac.uk
Wed Dec 20 09:25:36 EST 2023

Hi all,

Seasons Greetings! For a little bit of fun at this time of year I thought I'd share my recent attempt at singing/song writing with a zoological focus. This was performed for the first time ever at my departmental Xmas party (Zoology at the University of Glasgow). Not as festively focused as John Simmons wonderful poem but I hope it raises a chuckle or two. File is too big to share (100MB+) so I made it an Instagram reel instead.



Mike G. Rutherford
Curator of Zoology & Anatomy

The Hunterian
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ

E-mail: mike.rutherford at glasgow.ac.uk<mailto:mike.rutherford at glasgow.ac.uk>
Mobile: +44(0)7988 383 219
Twitter: @Zoology_Museum

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