[Nhcoll-l] NEW Safety White Paper on Cultural Heritage Emergency Preparedness and Response

Kathryn Makos kamakos at verizon.net
Fri Feb 10 18:34:58 EST 2023

Cultural Heritage Emergency Preparedness and Response: Guidelines for the
OEHS Professional
/Cultural-Heritage-Emergency-Response-White-Paper.pdf>  (AIHA White Paper)
is a NEW safety guidance document authored by a team of Health and Safety
Professionals and Collection Care Professionals, each with career-long
experience in emergency management. It can be found on the AIHA Healthier
-mold-resources/disaster-response-preparedness-resources-consumers under
Support Documents. Take a look also at the other AIHA resources related to
emergency management.


Kathryn Makos, MPH CIH 

(Retired:Smithsonian Institution)

Past Chair, AIHA Museum & Cultural Heritage Industry Working Group


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