[Nhcoll-l] June, August, and Fall On-Line Courses from Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC), Naturalis Biodiversity Center, and Transmitting Science

Jeff Stephenson Jeff.Stephenson at dmns.org
Tue Jun 6 15:31:40 EDT 2023

Please see below for a compendium of on-line courses in Museum Studies and Collections Management.  This list is provided by the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections Professional Development Committee as a monthly service for nhcoll subscribers.  Please contact the course providers or instructors for more information or questions.
As a reminder, nhcoll is not open for advertising by individuals; however, if you would like to have your courses appear in this compendium, please feel free to submit your offerings to jeff.stephenson at dmns.org<mailto:jeff.stephenson at dmns.org>, and we’ll see that you get in.
Thank you

From Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)

Greetings from the Northeast Document Conservation Center<https://www.nedcc.org/>! NEDCC specializes in conservation treatment, digital imaging, audio preservation services, and preservation training. Below are preservation training opportunities in the upcoming months.

Training Opportunities
Full descriptions and registration are available online<https://www.nedcc.org/preservation-training/training-currentlist>.
06/08 and 06/15 - Writing a Disaster Plan Webinar (2-sessions)
06/08 - California: Disaster Preparedness for Small Organizations<https://www.nedcc.org/assessments-and-consultations/ready-or-not-cultural-heritage-disaster-preparedness-project>
06/20 - Digital Preservation Storage 101 Webinar
06/27-29 - Digital Directions Conference<https://www.nedcc.org/preservation-training/dd23> (virtual)
Multiple dates - Atlantic Coast Preparedness Workshops <https://www.nedcc.org/acpw> (in-person)

Atlantic Coast Preparedness Workshop Series (in-person) – https://www.nedcc.org/acpw<http://www.nedcc.org/acpw>

Eight low-cost workshops for cultural heritage organizations, emergency management personnel, and government departments along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, funded partly by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities<https://northeastdocumentconservationcenter.createsend1.com/t/y-i-nuikiik-l-t/>. These in-person workshops provide the opportunity to acquire hands-on experience with salvage techniques for formats commonly found in cultural collections, including books, documents, photographs, and audiovisual materials. Dates and locations for each state are on the project page<https://northeastdocumentconservationcenter.createsend1.com/t/y-i-nuikiik-l-i/>.
Digital Directions Conference (virtual) – https://www.nedcc.org/preservation-training/dd23
June 27-29: Join NEDCC for a comprehensive overview of digital preservation, presented by information professionals with deep experience in the preservation of cultural heritage materials. During three half-days of live, interactive, online training, participants will learn about good practices and practical strategies for creating and managing digital collections, and gain confidence in decision-making for the preservation of their digital assets. Visit the conference page<https://northeastdocumentconservationcenter.createsend1.com/t/y-i-nuikiik-l-d/> for more details.

Job Opening
The Preservation Services team<https://northeastdocumentconservationcenter.createsend1.com/t/y-i-pjybtl-l-q/> is growing! Become part of a nationwide team of experts committed to performing comprehensive preservation needs assessments for cultural heritage collections. View the full job description at nedcc.org/about/employment-opportunities<https://northeastdocumentconservationcenter.createsend1.com/t/y-i-pjybtl-l-a/>.

*QUESTIONS? Contact: info at nedcc.org<mailto:info at nedcc.org>
*Get the latest updates on NEDCC’s conservation and preservation work by following us on TikTok<https://www.tiktok.com/@nedccenter>, Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/nedccpreserve/>, Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/NEDCC>, Twitter<https://twitter.com/NEDCCInfo>, and LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/1944833/>.

Ryn Marchese
Marketing and Social Media Coordinator
Northeast Document Conservation Center

From Transmitting Science

Dear colleagues,

Registration is open for the online edition of the course Care and Management of Natural History Collections.

Dates and schedule: Online live sessions on the 28th and 30th of August,

and 1st, 4th, 6th and 8th of September, from 16:00 to 18.00 and from

18:30 to 20:30 (Madrid time zone). The rest of the time will be taught

with pre-recorded lectures to watch asynchronously.

Instructors: John E. Simmons (Museologica, USA) and Dr. Greg McDonald

(Bureau of Land Management, USA)

Course Overview: Using a combination of lectures, discussions,

demonstrations, and readings, this course will teach participants how to

better care for and manage all natural history collections (including

botany, geosciences, and zoology).

The importance of the collections storage environment is emphasized, as

well as the identification and selection of inert materials, testing

locally available materials, adapting collections care standards to

particular environmental conditions, and good management through sound

policies and collection planning.

Rather than the traditional discipline-based approach, the course

teaches collections care based on collection material and preparation

type―dry preparations, wet preparations, and documentation (including

paper-based and electronic media).

The course will benefit individuals who already have experience in

caring for natural history collections, as well as those who intend to

work with natural history collections.

More information and registrations:


Best regards,



Juan Vicente Bertó Mengual


Transmitting Science


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From Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Hello all;

This fall Liliana D' Alba Altamirano  and I are teaching a class for DEST about specimen prep and collections!  It will be part online and part here in Leiden. Want to join us?


Met vriendelijke groet,

Becky Desjardins
Senior Preparateur

 I am not available on Mondays.
- -


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preserve,<http://community.dmns.org/content/OnlineCommunity.aspx> present, inspire, explore

Bugs: <https://www.dmns.org/visit/exhibitions/bugs/?ref=DMNSHomePage&elem=BannerFeatured&cta=Btn1> They’re bigger, they’re better, they’re buggier than ever! It’s all about precision flight, swarm intelligence and mind control in the world of “Bugs," the exhibition. Marvel at their adaptive genius and see if you can match their brilliance.

Bugs<https://www.dmns.org/visit/exhibitions/bugs/?ref=DMNSHomePage&elem=BannerFeatured&cta=Btn1>: Son más grandes, mejores y más increíbles que nunca. En la exhibición "Bugs" todo gira en torno al vuelo de precisión, la inteligencia en grupo y el control mental. ¡Descubre lo genios que son!

The Denver Museum of Nature & Science salutes the citizens of metro Denver for helping fund arts, culture and science through their support of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD)<http://www.scfd.org/>.

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