[Nhcoll-l] Preservation issues

Dirk Neumann d.neumann at leibniz-lib.de
Thu Jun 22 10:19:17 EDT 2023

This depends on how well the snake was fixed originally. Re-immersing (and injecting) it in formalin when the cell membranes have already been damages will not improve the condition of the collapsed membranes.

If the initial fixation happened only recently however, it can work (cf. John's comment); additionally, injection (cf. Simon's comment) is recommended (10% instead of 4% for a larger snake).

But as John said, all this depends on the original fixation parameters.

Hope this helps

Am 22.06.2023 um 16:02 schrieb Marshall Boyd:
Any advice on procedures if a snake did not fix completely in formalin but has already moved into 20% EtOH. Can I go back to formalin without issues or should I keep moving forward with steady increases to EtOH concentrations?

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Dirk Neumann
Collection Manager, Hamburg

Postal address:
Museum of Nature Hamburg
Leibniz Institute for the Analysis
of Biodiversity Change
Dirk Neumann
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3
20146 Hamburg
+49 40 238 317 – 628
d.neumann at leibniz-lib.de<mailto:d.neumann at leibniz-lib.de>

Stiftung Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels
Postanschrift: Adenauerallee 127, 53113 Bonn, Germany

Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts;
Generaldirektion: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Misof (Generaldirektor), Adrian Grüter (Kaufm. Geschäftsführer)
Sitz der Stiftung: Adenauerallee 160 in Bonn
Vorsitzender des Stiftungsrates: Dr. Michael Wappelhorst

Stiftung Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels
Postanschrift: Adenauerallee 127, 53113 Bonn, Germany

Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts;
Generaldirektion: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Misof (Generaldirektor), Adrian Grüter (Kaufm. Geschäftsführer)
Sitz der Stiftung: Adenauerallee 160 in Bonn
Vorsitzender des Stiftungsrates: Dr. Michael Wappelhorst
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