[Nhcoll-l] GCG Vacancies - Closing date tomorrow!

Andrew Haycock Andrew.Haycock at museumwales.ac.uk
Fri Oct 27 09:48:52 EDT 2023

For info,

Many thanks,

Kind regards

From: The Geological Curators Group mailing list <GEO-CURATORS at JISCMAIL.AC.UK> On Behalf Of Emma Nicholls
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 2:17 PM
Subject: ALLANOL/EXTERNAL - Closing date tomorrow!

Dear all,

A quick reminder that the Geological Curators Group is looking for:

  *   Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator<https://app.box.com/s/7px5wr1gqocj22i1akin49z8086zym6z>
  *   Communications Coordinator<https://app.box.com/s/vhlr1frio5v49d06rd3qpqaw0b6986qi> to oversee our digital activity
  *   Web Coordinator Assistant<https://app.box.com/s/9nc9s3djq0sedfhuinli62tew2eui7q2> to help run the website behind the scenes

If you're interested in helping us take GCG forward into a bright and beautiful future, please visit our website<https://www.geocurator.org/committee/146-getting-involved-with-gcg> or follow the specific links above.

Please note that you don’t have to be based in the UK, especially for the web assistant role which can be done remotely.

To apply for a role, please send a paragraph (max 200 words) outlining your interest and what you feel you would bring to the role, to secretary at geocurator.org<mailto:secretary at geocurator.org> by tomorrow, 28th October 2023.

Please do forward this to anyone who may be interested. Thanks!

With best wishes,

Chair of the Geological Curators Group

Dr Emma Nicholls
Collections Manager – Earth Collections (Vertebrate Palaeontology)

Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PW, UK | +44 (0)1865 272953  ∣  @morethanadodo  ∣  www.oumnh.ox.ac.uk<http://www.oumnh.ox.ac.uk/>


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