[Nhcoll-l] Register | Celebrate BlackInNHMsWeek

Flemming,Adania aflemming at flmnh.ufl.edu
Wed Sep 6 08:00:00 EDT 2023

Hello NHM Colleagues,

We are incredibly excited for our upcoming annual event! BlackInNHMs week starts Sun Oct 15 through Sat 21 Oct. BlackInNHMs week is a series of synchronous and asynchronous activities and content shared through social media (twitter, instagram, facebook, LinkedIn) and our website. See the schedule and register<https://www.blackinnhms.org/2023-binhms-week> using this link (https://www.blackinnhms.org/2023-binhms-week).

Our week is one aspect of our goal of celebrating and building community for Black folx working in NHMs; encouraging and facilitating Black people’s participation in NHMs professionally and as patrons; and engaging non-Black people as true colleagues and co-conspirators to BIackInNHM professionals.

We want to work with you!

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, we are a grassroots organization of dedicated professionals (curators, professors, collections managers, graduate students and communication specialists) building the infrastructure from the ground up to engage and create a community for Black folks who are in, were in, or interested in being in NHMs. We are asking that natural history museums and collections actively support this initiative by participating in and advertising the events and following us on social media to like and repost our curated content to ensure it reaches a broad and diverse audience. Even taking just a few minutes to forward this email or our website to the right person could have a lasting impact.

     We would also love to form long-term collaborations with museums and collections who are serious about their stated commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion to bring our initiatives into physical spaces to increase their impact. Try as we might, we cannot make natural history museums (with all of their historical and contemporary issues related to race and colonialism) welcoming places for Black, Indigenous and other people of color without the earnest engagement of the institutions themselves. We hope you hear us.

Please join us during our annual event to learn more about what we can accomplish together, <https://www.blackinnhms.org/2023-binhms-week> register here<https://www.blackinnhms.org/2023-binhms-week> (https://www.blackinnhms.org/2023-binhms-week).


Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlackInNHMs

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blackinnhms/

LinkedIn: http://tinyurl.com/BINHMsLinkedIn

Website: https://www.blackinnhms.org/

Volunteer: https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dpamD4wNwpvw4ES

Donate:  https://gofund.me/e433f03c

Event Registration: https://www.blackinnhms.org/2023-binhms-week
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/blackinnhms


Adania Flemming M.S.

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Department of Biology

Florida Museum of Natural History/iDigBio/TESI

University of Florida

Office Phone: 352-273-1951

Email: aflemming at flmnh.ufl.edu<mailto:aflemming at ufl.edu>

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