[Nhcoll-l] turpentine-alcohol solutions

Emily M. Braker emily.braker at colorado.edu
Tue Apr 9 18:39:25 EDT 2024

Greetings All,

We just surfaced a couple of vials of lemming GI tracts preserved in "50% turpentine, 50% alcohol" that were stored in a drawer alongside the associated skins and skulls in our mammal collection. A database check reveals that these specimens were originally fluid-preserved, then later prepared as skins and skulls in 1953, though the GI tracts appear to have been saved in the original solution.

Has anyone worked with a turpentine/alcohol solution before and have advice on how we should approach transitioning to ethanol and/or topping up? The fluid level is extremely low in the vials.



Emily Braker
Vertebrate Collections Manager, Zoology Section
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
265 UCB, Bruce Curtis Building
Boulder, CO 80309-0218
Phone: 303-492-8466

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