[Nhcoll-l] 2024 SPNHC Education DemoCamp June 26-27 Registration Open

Jennifer Bauer bauerjen at umich.edu
Wed Apr 24 09:43:19 EDT 2024


The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections Education
Sessional Committee is hosting a virtual Natural History Education DemoCamp
<https://spnhc.org/education-democamp/>. The goal is to share, discover,
and discuss educational materials that have a framework in natural history.
This is building upon our previous iterations of the 'education share fair'
that were hosted at the annual meeting.

Where: Zoom, of course!

When: 26th-27th of June, the amount of time blocks will be dependent on the
number of presenters.

Cost: Free!

Presenter registration is
open until June 3rd and general attendee registration is here: DemoCamp
Zoom Registration
and will be open up until the event. Please see the website
<https://spnhc.org/education-democamp/> for additional details and reach
out to us with any questions: educationdemocamp at gmail.com

Please be sure to circulate this within your networks, and please contact
the committee if you or someone in your network would like to serve as a
no-cost sponsor! Please see here
for our promotional materials, including flyers and example text to make
sharing easy!

Best wishes,

Jen Bauer on behalf of the SPNHC Education Committee

Jennifer Bauer, Ph.D.
Research Museum Collection Manager
University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology
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