[Nhcoll-l] NSCA Board Pens Viewpoint on the Duke Herbarium Decision

Jyotsna Pandey jpandey at aibs.org
Fri Apr 26 16:16:53 EDT 2024

Members of the Natural Science Collections Alliance (
https://nscalliance.org/) Board of Directors have penned a Viewpoint
article in *BioScience* about the Duke Herbarium decision.

The article calls on Duke to reconsider its plans to close its herbarium
and disperse its collections: "As a leader in biodiversity sciences, Duke
should do this for its own benefit and to prevent burdening other
institutions and the public with the cost of moving and curating Duke’s
collections. To ensure a transparent decision-making process, Duke should
convene a group of internal and external experts and potential funders to
discuss the future of the collections, including potential partnerships
with other regional entities. The goal should be to create a plan for the
herbarium that will ensure its continuing contribution to preserving
biodiversity and functioning ecosystems.”

The full article is accessible at the link below.

*Duke's herbarium merits continued enhancement, not dissolution*
Jyotsna Pandey, Ph.D.
Director of Community Programs
American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS)
950 Herndon Parkway Suite 450
Herndon, VA 20170
Phone: 202-628-1500 x 225
AIBS website: www.aibs.org
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