[Nhcoll-l] Issues with low temperature treatment?

Haff, Tonya (NCMI, Crace) Tonya.Haff at csiro.au
Thu Feb 29 00:52:42 EST 2024

Hello all,

I am wondering if any of you can give me feedback how your specimens have responded to low temperature treatment for pests. Specifically, I'm interested in what types of specimens you've used low temperature on (freezing), at what temperatures, and if you've observed any negative effects on your specimens as a result of colder temperatures? I'm especially interested if any of you all use temperatures between -30 and -40C, and whether or not you've noticed any effect on your specimens, relative to say -20C. We are trying to optimise our pest treatment while mitigating risk to our dry specimens, which include pinned insects, study skins, and bones. We will be using refrigerated shipping containers to do this work, which will be on large numbers of specimens at a time.  I think we understand the parameters, but I would be very interested to hear especially about direct experience, caveats, things to watch out for, etc.

Thanks so much!


Dr. Tonya M. Haff
Collection Manager
Australian National Wildlife Collection

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