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<div dir="auto">I had attempted to Reply to an email from the listserve with screenshots, but<br />
then realized it is most probably text only, so here is a text version...<br />
<br />
1. This is a sample from my .csv file; UTF-8 with BOM<br />
<br />
a ab abs,ā ab abs,"from, by",(away) from; by (agency) + abl.,a,Preposition<br />
abeo abire abii abitum,abeō abīre abiī abitum,to go away,to go away,abeo,Verb<br />
absum abesse afui afuturus,absum abesse āfuī āfutūrus,"to be away, be absent","to be absent, be distant",absum,Verb<br />
ac,ac,and in addition,"and in addition, or and besides; and, as well, and indeed, and; even; in comparison: as, than",ac,Conjunction<br />
accedo accedere accessi accessum,accēdō accēdere accessī accessum,"to approach, be added, be included","to go or come to, approach; be added, be included; happen; be an additional factor (esp. impersonal + quod or ut)",accedo,Verb<br />
accido accidere accidi –––,accidō accidere accidī –––,to fall; happen,"to fall, befall, happen",accido,Verb<br />
accipio accipere accepi acceptus,accipiō accipere accēpī acceptus,to receive,"to receive; accept; hear (of), learn (of)",accipio,Verb<br />
acer acris acre,ācer ācris ācre,"sharp, piercing","sharp, keen; fierce",acer,Adjective<br />
acies aciei f.,aciēs acieī f.,edge; line of battle,sharp edge; keenness; battle line,acies,Noun<br />
ad,ad,"to, up to, towards","toward, to; for the purpose or benefit of ; to suit (+ acc.)",ad,Preposition<br />
addo addere addidi additus,addō addere addidī additus,to give to,"to add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate",addo,Verb<br />
adduco adducere adduxi adductus,addūcō adducere addūxī adductus,"to lead to, induce","to lead up/to/away; bring up/to; persuade, induce; lead, bring; contract, tighten",adduco,Verb<br />
<br />
2. I imported as follows:<br />
Lemma::ppnd to column 1 PRINCIPAL_PARTS_NO_DIACRITICALS - custom field<br />
Lemma::pp to column 2 PRINCIPAL_PARTS - custom field<br />
Lemma::Sense::TE::TE to column 3 SHORT_DEFINITION<br />
Lemma::Sense::Definition::Definition to column 4 LONG_DEFINITION<br />
Lemma::LemmaSign to column 5 SIMPLE_LEMMA<br />
Lemma::PartOfSpeech to column 6 PART_OF_SPEECH<br />
<br />
3. Got warnings after import of the type:<br />
"WARNING: Rescuing potentially discarded LIST ITEM at Column 6:Verb"<br />
for each row in the csv file.<br />
The text value from the csv file wasn't somehow merged with the check-box<br />
part of speech items. This is the problem.<br />
<br />
4. The first 5 fields were populated correctly in my TLex database. For the values in the<br />
6th column, a new field was created, named Column6ListVal under Sense, and these were<br />
imported correctly.<br />
<br />
All of this is just a start to my understanding how to create a custom DTD for the<br />
data I already have in spreadsheets. Any pointers on more details on how to create a<br />
custom DTD schema would be greatly appreciated.<br />
<br />
Thanks in advance.<br />
<br />