[Wgcp-whc] from Gisants

Adelaide M Russo frruss at lsu.edu
Fri May 1 22:41:04 EDT 2009

Dear Members of the WGCP,
Thank you most sincerely for the helpful suggestions and engaged comments on my work today.  I am grateful to all of you and hope I may return your attention and reflection,
With gratitude and all good wishes,
Adelaide Russo

-----Original Message-----
From: wgcp-whc-bounces at mailman.yale.edu on behalf of Jean-Jacques Poucel
Sent: Thu 4/30/2009 2:59 PM
To: wgcp-whc at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: [Wgcp-whc] from Gisants
Dear Friends,

The poems cited in Adelaide's talk have been published in Wilson  
Baldridge's translation : Michel Deguy, Recumbents (Middletown:  
Wesleyan UP, 2005). The cited poems are attached in PDF.

Looking forward to tomorrow.

Warm regards,



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