[Yale-readings] New Yorker writer Ian Frazier

Nancy Kuhl nancy.kuhl at yale.edu
Mon Nov 7 14:06:10 EST 2005

>New Yorker writer Ian Frazier
>reading from his work
>Thursday, November 10, Linsly-Chittenden 102 (63 High Street), 7 p.m.
>The New Yorker magazine writer and humorist Ian Frazier, a John Christophe 
>Schlesinger Visiting Writer at Yale, will give a public reading on 
>November 10 at 7 p.m. in L-C 102.
>A native of Cleveland, Ohio, the author received his B.A. from Harvard in 
>1973 and joined The New Yorker staff the following year. He has been a 
>regular contributor to the magazine ever since.
>Frazier is the author of eight books, from Dating Your Mom to Gone to New 
>York: Adventures in the City, published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux on 
>November 3, 2005.
>Frazier's critically acclaimed best-seller Great Plains, a travelogue of 
>the American heartland, helped to establish his reputation as "one of the 
>best of his generation of The New Yorker writers," in the words of The 
>Washington Post's Charles Trueheart. Coyote v. Acme, a collection of 
>Frazier's humor essays, which received the inaugural Thurber Prize for 
>American Humor, was published in 1996. The title essay, which pits the 
>cartoon character Wile E. Coyote in a suit for damages against the Acme 
>Manufacturing Company, is arguably Frazier's most popular piece. Coyote 
>was followed by On the Rez (2000), an examination of the Pine Ridge Indian 
>Reservation, and The Fish's Eye (2002), a collection of seventeen essays 
>about angling.
>Free and open to the public, Frazier's talk is sponsored by the Department 
>of English and the John Christophe Schlesinger Visiting Writer Fund, 
>established by Richard and Sheila Schlesinger in memory of their son.
>For more information contact: Erica Sayers (erica.sayers at yale.edu)

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