Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
Africa-List | Africa-related Events |
Americanreligioushistory | Colloquium announcements for faculty and graduate students working in American religious studies and adjacent fields |
Aviation.society | [no description available] |
Best-aacc-family | The most loving, wonderful, and fun AACC family |
BiophilicDesign | Biophilic Design Online Discussion Forum |
BioSoftMatter | Listserv for BioSoftMatter journal club |
blooddrive | American Red Cross at Yale blood drive e-mail list |
Bluehaven | Blue Haven Event Attendees |
Bluehaven.officers | Blue Haven Officers |
BMAD-rideshare | Offer/request rides to BMAD! |
Brass-mail | [no description available] |
Breadboard | |
BritishStudies | British Studies Colloquium |
broadrecognition | [no description available] |
Bulldogcubeclub | Hang out with Rubik's Cube enthusiasts |
Carillon-info | Carillon concert information |
Changeadvisors | Change Advisory Board Members |
ChickCom | Yale Farm Chicken Committee |
CMDG | Condensed Matter Discussion Group mailing list |
CMES | Council on Middle East Studies |
CollectionsCollaborative | Public List for the Collections Collaborative Initiative |
Compassion | Compassion and Choices Interest Group |
compcog | Computational Cognitive Science group |
Cryoem-journalclub | [no description available] |
CTO_Planning_Updates | [no description available] |
Cuore-speaker | [no description available] |
cycling | [no description available] |
Cycling-alumni | [no description available] |
Debatinglaw.religion | Debating Law & Religion Series at the Yale Law School |
Democrats | Yale College Democrats |
Dems.legcom | Yale College Democrats Legislative Committee |
EAS-INFO | EAS Internet Information List (pjk) |
Edstudies.interestedstudents | Students interested in Education Studies |
Elihuathenaeum | Elihu Athenĉum: The Yale Undergraduate Society of Art Historians |
Embody | EMBody Institute PI mailing list |
EverythingUseful | Casey Watts wants to tell you the most useful things! |
Facsfacility | [no description available] |
fes-africa | SIG Africa |
First_clarinets | YCB first clarinets |
Friendsofclassics | A mailing list for Yale undergraduate students who want to hear about special events in the Classics department (e.g. film screenings, book club reading groups, plays, conferences, and special lectures). |
Gcsnotes | Career Notes |
geo.alumni | This list is inactive. |
GHNO | Global Health Night Out |
Gis-l | Yale University GIS Discussion List |
Global.Philosophy | for the Global Philosophy Reading Group |
GlobalMentalHealth | GMH |
Google.Analytics | Google Analytics User Group |
GradProfJews-list | Yale/New Haven Jewish Happenings | | [no description available] |
Hack_Yale | Hackathon information for organizers, participants, and volunteers |
hawaii808_talk | [no description available] |
Helperswithoutborders | We serve dinner at the Soup Kitchen (DESK) once a month |
histling-l | Historical Linguistics Mailing List |
Historical.Review | The Yale Historical Review |
HoFoP | History and Philosophy or Physics reading group |
InnovateHealth | InnovateHealth Yale |
interdisciplinary | a listserve for forging new connections between the Yale Schools of Architecture, Art, Drama and Music |
Internalmedftf-list | full time faculty |
Itsm-info | ITSM Info |
Lara | Latinas interested in improving inclusion in Academia |
LGBTQAffinitySocial | The Yale LGBTQ Affinity Group's Events & Social Activities |
LWAY | Latina Women at Yale |
Marginsmagazine | Margins: Perspectives from the Left |
Mattweedvolunteers | [no description available] |
Medievalcanonlaw | Mailing list for Novellae and other news from the Kuttner Institute of Medieval Canon Law |
Medievalstudies | Yale University Medieval Studies Program |
MSFC | Medical Students for Choice |
NatureAndSociety | [no description available] |
Nelc-events | NELC events |
NRG | Energy Student Interest Group (ESIG) |
NSurg-QIconference-List | [no description available] |
oSTEM.grad | A listserv for the graduate chapter of oSTEM at Yale |
PokerLeague | Join if you're interested in joining a poker league. |
qpoc | Queer People of Color among Yale grad & professional students, staff, postdocs, visiting scholars, and faculty. |
queer.grads | For LGBTQ+ grad and professional students |
reactor-US | US reactor neutrino experiment |
redcross | American Red Cross at Yale member e-mail list |
Refugee | [no description available] |
Reuse | Yale community members: advertise and look for free stuff! |
Reuse-sell | Yale community members: advertise goods for sale! |
Rmn.dcc | DCC |
SciHumReadingGroup | Cultural Heritage in Science and the Humanities Reading Group |
Senators | Graduate and Professional Student Senators |
Signaltransduction | [no description available] |
SIMH | Progressive Mental Health |
Slavlib | Slavic Librarian Forum |
SoundStudies | Email list for Yale Sound Studies Working Group |
SouthernSociety | [no description available] |
Splash | [no description available] |
SPS | Yale Society of Physics Students |
SPS-social | Share physics links 'n' things! |
SYO-mail | Mailing list for announcments of performances of the Saybrook Orchestra |
Tcc | TCC |
Tessitura.Support | Yale Tessitura Support Contacts |
Texans | [no description available] |
The-lair | Members of the 2012 Lair in Ezra Stiles |
TheFifthHumour | [no description available] |
Tragedy | tragedy |
Trumbull.aaccplees2018-19 | Trumbull AACC PLees 2018-2019 |
Tshwanelex-l | [no description available] |
Ultrasounds | YSM a cappella group |
Warnerhouseoccupants | Warner House occupants |
Wgap | Working Group in Ancient Philosophy |
WGSS.Colloquium | WGSS Graduate Colloquium & Working Group |
WMW | Women Mentoring Women (WMW) promotes and facilitates the development of mentoring relationships among female graduate students, post-docs, faculty and staff. |
WTI-BrainWorks | WTI BrainWorks announcements |
WTI-Community | News from the Wu Tsai Institute |
WTI-Trainee | For Yale trainees interested in the Wu Tsai Institute |
Xinjiang | Network for Uyghur Rights |
Yale-bands-alumni | Updates on Yale Bands concerts and activities, alumni events, and other general news of interest. |
yale-forests-reading-group | Unpacking the past, present, and future of the forests we love by centering the experiences of Indigenous communities. |
Yale-hrs-users | A group for researchers using the Health and Retirement Study data |
Yale-salsa | Share salsa info and arrange dance outings |
Yale.Boricuas | Mailing list for anyone who identifies as a Boricua at Yale |
Yale2boston | Yale community members and friends in Boston: Offer and ask for shared rides between Boston and New Haven |
Yale_gala | Yale GALA |
Yale_pathways | Yale's coordinated outreach infrastructure |
Yale_SMArT | Yale Science and Math Achiever Teams |
Yaleafricanamericanstudies | Yale African American Studies Newsletter |
YaleOpenLabs | Yale Open Labs |
YalePSR | Yale School of Medicine Physicians for Social Responsibility List |
YaleTextiles | Information about Yale Textile Working Group and textile happenings in the area |
Yaletoxicssig | Yale F&ES Toxics Student Interest Group |
Yalewiki | [no description available] |
YaleWomensClubLacrosse | Yale Women's Club Lacrosse |
YBDIC | Yale BBS Diversity and Inclusion Collective |
YCB_clarinets | The most awesome section in the Yale Concert Band |
YCEI_Seminar | Yale Climate & Energy Institute |
YCRP | Yale Civil Rights Projects |
Yft | Official list for Friends of Turkey, Yale Undergradaute (YFT) |
Ygrfc | Yale Graduate School Rugby |
YHLC | Yale Healthcare & Life Sciences Club |
Yighvaccineinitiatives | Vaccine Initiatives |
Yjml | Yale Journal of Medicine and Law Mailing List |
YLMS | Yale Lectures in Medieval Studies |
yls-la-summer | YLS-LA |
Yls-squash | YLS-Squash |
YMPO-List | YMPO General Mailing List |
YPMB-LowBrass-list | The Brass Section of the Yale Precision Marching Band |
YPNG | Probabilistic Network Group |
YPR-Club | Pistol & Rifle Club Mailing List |
Ysbigdawgs2021 | [no description available] |
YSM-List | Yale Scientific Magazine General Mailing List |
Yulstaff-mls.discuss | All about becoming librarians |
Zeta | Events and Information from Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Zeta Chapter |
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