[Carillon-info] Final Carillon Concert on Friday 08/11 at 7:00pm!

Yale Summer Carillonneurs yalesummercarillon at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 01:28:43 EDT 2017

Dear Carillon Enthusiasts,

The grand finale of our 2017 Summer Concert Series will be happening this
Friday August 11th at 7:00pm and will feature Jeremy Chesman as our guest
performer. Come join us for an exciting conclusion to a wonderful summer of
carillon music!

Jeremy is the University Carillonist and a Professor of Music at Missouri
State University. He has performed as a featured recitalist at some of the
most prestigious carillon festivals and conferences all around the world.
For more information, check out Jeremy's program and bio attached below.

Thank you to everyone who has attended our concerts this summer! We truly
appreciate your support and hope you have enjoyed coming to listen to the
magic of the Yale Memorial Carillon. We look forward to seeing you all
again next year!

Kevin Chang & Stephen Wang
*yalesummercarillon at gmail.com <yalesummercarillon at gmail.com>*
(914)-450-6502 | (832)-978-6057
Yale Summer Carillonneurs
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