[Carillon-info] Concert this Friday, July 19th

Yale Summer Carillonneurs yalesummercarillon at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 17:13:32 EDT 2024

Dear Community,

We are excited for our *fifth concert* of the season. This Friday, July
19th, our recitalist will be Lynnli Wang. *Concerts are rain or shine.* There
is covered seating in the event of inclement weather. For a preview of
future concerts, please see below:

[image: image.png]

*A few reminders:*

Admission is completely *free*. All concerts will take place from
*7:00pm­-8:00pm.* Listening space will be available starting at 6:30pm at
the Branford Courtyard at *74 High Street, New Haven, CT 06511.* Concertgoers
are welcome to bring lawn-chairs and a picnic dinner. Please visit our
website at www.yalecarillon.org for more details.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

All the best,
Yale Summer Carillonneurs

Savannah Curro & Jeremy Ng
*yalesummercarillon at gmail.com <yalesummercarillon at gmail.com>*
Yale Summer Carillonneurs
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