Upcoming CBA field trip

JH jhimmel at connix.com
Fri Aug 31 09:47:30 EDT 2001

It's "leaf flipping season"!  Leaf flippin' for Limacodids, or Slug Caterpillar Moth caterpillars. Why would anyone want to find them? They are just plain bizarre and beautiful. These little "beads" are washed in a variety of reds, yellows, oranges and greens.  Some carry multi-hued coral reefs on their backs, some are painted little buttons.  And they gots no legs!  They slither like psychodellic slugs on the undersides of leaves.

The CBA is running a trip to look for them (and other interesting caterpillars).  It pretty much goes like this:  We walk along the trails, flip leaves, find caterpillars, look at them, marvel, maybe take a picture of two, and move on.  

Here's the info:

Where: Chatfield Hollow, Killingworth (Route 80, between the 80/79 and 80/81 traffic circles)

When: 10AM - noonish

Leaders: Carol Lemmon and John Himmelman

No need to call first - just show up.  Park in the lot at the entrance and we will walk in.

John Himmelman
Killingworth, CT USA
jhimmel at connix.com
Visit my websites at:
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