yard firsts N.Guilford CT

bill and Dale droberts03 at snet.net
Wed Jun 13 13:22:36 EDT 2001

June 11-13 yard firsts
2-Silver-spotted Skipper (late this year for me)
5-Painted Ladies- 2 on Tues, 3 today- five years I've been keeping a
casual yard list I've never had more than 3 V. cardui in one season for
what that's worth.
1- Great Spangled Frit.   End of yard firsts.
        Also of note is the absence of Red Admirals. Very few passing by
right now and those beat up. By the way the Painted Ladies are also beat
up. Last night was an incredible moth night from my perspective but
since I don't know much about them I won't comment except to say I
counted 31 different species around my porch and deck lights and since
they wouldn't stay still there were probably more.
      Finally to go non-linear for a moment into ode-land, Chatfield
Hollow has quite a few Spatterdock Darners patrolling the first two
picnic areas. There are many Harlequin darners feasting on the
Beaverpond Baskettails throughout the park and the beautiful lime
sherbert colored female Eastern Pondhawks are evident in the ponds.
                                                       Bill Yule

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