Monarchs and more

RChyinski at RChyinski at
Fri Oct 5 16:44:21 EDT 2001

Lots of Monarchs migrating along the coast in Waterford(Harkness St. Park) 
and Madison (Hammo). Tagged 57 today at Hammo and 25 at Harkness yesterday. 
All tags have been used. Other butterflies seen: Oct 4, Mourning Cloaks, Red 
Admirals, Orange and Clouded Sulphurs, American and Painted Ladies (more 
American then Painted), Cabbage Whites. Oct 5: Mourning Cloaks, Both 
Sulphurs, Red Admiral, Eastern Tailed Blue Cabbage White. Is anyone seeing 
Angle Wings? I Haven't seen one lately. Rich Chyinski
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