Hammonassett migrations

bill and Dale droberts03 at snet.net
Sat Oct 13 23:26:47 EDT 2001

 The warm spell is making life easy for leps and all of us. Friday at
Hammonassett Beach State Park there was a good movement of Red admirals
along the first dune at the west end of the park. They were passing at a
steady rate of 25 per hour approximately. There were still many monarchs
moving through too and I counted three Mourning Cloaks, two unidentified
anglewings and one unidentified Lady (Vanessa sp.) At the west end of
the park the late dandilion is in flower and many  clouded and orange
sulfurs, and cabbage whites are nectaring there. Today I had a tired
pipevine swallowtail there that was landing on virtually every flower to
take a nip.

Bill Yule

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