last butterflies?

bill and Dale droberts03 at
Tue Oct 30 16:56:10 EST 2001

      It is near the end but the butterflies ARE still flying.  Try the
coast or a southwest facing meadow in mid afternoon for an end of the season
butterfly fix. Today at Hammonassett there were many Sulfurs, both clouded
and orange, as well as a cabbage white, a monarch and an unidentified
                                                               Bill Yule

Diane Adams wrote:

> I haven't seen any butterflies in almost a week.  Last Wednesday (9/24)
> I saw a Cabbage White attempting to nectar on the remains of a rosebush
> and a Monarch crossing the street in a southwest direction (apparently
> coming from Cedar Lake, where I had seen Monarchs regularly for the past
> month).
> I'm hoping to go to the CBA Members' Night on 11/13.  Does anyone in the
> Chester area want to carpool?
> Diane Adams
> Chester

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