Butterflies 5/07/02

Clay Taylor CTaylor at swarovskioptik.com
Tue May 7 22:33:35 EDT 2002

All - 

    Today at the Horse Hill Road (Westbrook) powerlines

1 - Spicebush Swallowtail
3 - Clouded Sulphurs
6 - Eastern Tailed-Blue
3 - Pearl Crescents
11 - Juvenal's Duskywings
1 - Wild Indigo Duskywing

and at the Wapowog WMA (Wapowog Road, East Hampton)

2 - American Ladies
2 - ETB
1 - Clouded Sulphur
1 - Orange Sulphur
5 - Juvenal's Duskywings (one strikingly patterned)

I was hoping to see many JDs nectaring at a large Autumn Olive bush in the second field like I found last year, but the state evidently brush-hogged it last fall.   Hmmm... typical tree-hugger - I curse the invading species, but get mad when they are not around to further my own personal aims.

Aslo - three dragonflies - one large one that appeared to be a Green Darner, another one with blue markings that I didn't see well, and the following one (looks like Dot-tailed Whiteface to me...):

I'm gonna start taking digiscope ode shots with my ATS 65 to start getting proficient with these darn things.

Clay Taylor

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