Dr. Wagner's lecture

jh jhimmel at mindspring.com
Thu May 9 11:38:58 EDT 2002

You missed an excellent program (sorry to rub it in).  Dr. Wagner gave us
the status of the 10 or so rarest butterflies in the state, when they were
last seen, where they were found, what they feed on, the possible cause of
their rarity and what could be done (if anything) to help them along.  Some
he included are considered extirpated (Gray Comma, Regal Frit come to mind).
Much of this info came from the CBAP - which could possibly be published
this summer.

What I found interesting was the concern that those @#%!! Halloween Ladybugs
that are all over the place (an introduced sp) are competing with harvesters
for the wooly aphids.

He also spent time on what individuals and organizations, such as the CBA,
could do to aid in butterfly conservation.  The disappearance of sedge
meadows, for example, is hurting a number of our leps as well as
fragmentation of farm habitat and the like.

Many of us left with the desire to re-find a bunch of those missing

I should mention too that he was signing copies of his new book Geometroid
Caterpillars of Northern & Appalaichan Forests.  It is an excellent piece of
work with beautiful photos of the larvae, pictures of the adults they
become, and good write-ups on each individual.

Lastly, Carol Lemmon is the new, and third, CBA president.  She is a great
person for this job and we look forward to another successful 4 years.

John Himmelman
Killingworth, CT
jhimmel at mindspring.com

 Visit my websites at:

  -----Original Message-----
  From: owner-ctleps-l at lists.yale.edu
[mailto:owner-ctleps-l at lists.yale.edu]On Behalf Of Anthony Zemba
  Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 10:40 AM
  To: ctleps-l at lists.yale.edu
  Subject: Dr. Wagner's lecture

  Fellow Lepsters:

  Would anyone be willing to give me a general synopsis of Dr. Wagner's
lecture last night. Due to work obligations I was not able to attend his
lecture and the meeting last night. I was terribly disappointed since I had
been looking forward to it for quite a while, and noone else at work could
cover for me.

  I'd appreciate it. Thanks.


  Anthony J. Zemba
  Senior Environmental Scientist
  Maguire Group, Inc.
  One Court Street
  New Britain, CT

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