Black swallowtail hostplant???

Andrew Brand andrew.brand at
Thu May 30 21:22:11 EDT 2002

Hi folks,
Today at work I watched a female black swallowtail flying low over the christmas tree fields in obvious egg laying mode. There is Queen-Annes Lace around and I thought it was finding small plants of this to lay its eggs. It would stop frequently but I couldn't tell if eggs were actually laid. Later inspection of the area revealed no Queen Annes.  I assumed it had just been resting. Later in the afternoon, I spotted the female again and again watched her, this time more closely. Again she was stopping on plants. She let me approach closely and I observed her laying eggs not on Queen Annes Lace but on the flower stalks of SHEEP SORREL (Rumex acetosella)!!  This plant is in the Buckwheat Family. I have not seen it listed as a host. Has anyone ever observed this with Black Swallowtails. I collected the two eggs I saw her lay and will see what happens. I assume the larvae will die on this plant?? I know Am. Coppers love it.
Any thoughts?

Andy Brand
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