Southern Immigrants at Van Wilgen's Garden Center

Epmanshell at Epmanshell at
Sat Sep 21 15:53:51 EDT 2002

On Saturday, 9/21 I visited Van Wilgen's Garden Center in North Branford to 
look for the Fiery Skippers and Sachems Bill Yule reported previously.

While I found both those species, far and away, the most pleasant surprise of 
the day was an Ocola Skipper, also found on the buddleias.  One Sachem and 
the Ocola Skipper were chasing each other around, a most unexpected sight in 

The complete list for the day is as follows:

Cabbage White (2)
Clouded Sulphur (8)
Orange Sulphur (3)
Great Spangled Fritillary (2)
Pearl Crescent (1)
American Lady (1)
Monarch (8)
Silver-spotted Skipper (1)
Fiery Skipper (3)
Tawny-edged Skipper (1)
Sachem (2)
Ocola Skipper (1)

Lenny Brown
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