Posting on butterfly garden forum

Michael Janavel m.janavel at
Sat Sep 28 20:55:25 EDT 2002

Hi all,

I was browsing the subject forum and saw this posting. Thought you'd be

"This forum is not one of my usual stops although I enjoy it. I'm usually
over at tomatoes. I work at a garden center in CT where we grow large beds
of Zinnias for cutting. We have a couple of local guys who come round to
check up on the butterflies which are very plentiful. One got all excited
because he spotted several of a species that are not supposed to be this far
North. It's a sachem skipper which is supposed to be rare here(i'm sure some
of you find it common) but is showing up in droves. So he put the word out
to his butterfly assoc. buddies via internet now we have lots of the nicest
folks coming around to check it out. Are any of you active in groups like
this? I've learned a lot and met some nice people."

Have enjoyed your sightings, Michael Janavel

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