Regal Fritillary claim for Staten Island

Lawrence F. Gall lawrence.gall at
Thu Jul 10 10:40:08 EDT 2003

Hello Michael,

If true, a Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia) on Staten Island
would be a stunning discovery, as this species has been gone from
the northeastern United States for a number of years now!  Several
populations in coastal/offshore Massachusetts and Rhode Island were
among the last to remain locally.  The species is formally listed
in several northeastern state's endangered species programs.

I'm willing to grant the possibility of almost anything, a priori,
and it would be phenomonal to know of a Regal Fritillary in our area!
However, you'll need to document this with either a voucher photo
or voucher specimen before anyone will take the claim seriously
(regulatory agencies, seasoned lepidopterists, etc).  Can you snag a
photo of the beast?

Best regards,


>Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 13:40:49 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Michael Janavel <mjanavel at>
>Subject: Staten Island
>Hello from down here. Last week or so I thought I saw a Regal Fritillary, 
>but as no one reported one there, I decided to wait and see. Today, I saw 
>another (or the same one) in my garden. Butterlies can be quite active in 
>my yard and sometimes verification of identity is difficult. No doubt 
>about this one, as he stayed awhile.
>Also, first Monarch of the year in my garden. As my Asclepias incarnata 
>has not yet flowered it just gave it the once-over. Also had to move a 
>too-curious cat while Monarch was flying about.
>Baltimore Checkerspot has good presence here this year.
>Cabbage Whites enjoying the heck out of my lavender.
>Michael Janavel

: Lawrence F. Gall, Ph.D.            e-mail: lawrence.gall at :
: Head, Computer Systems Office &     voice: 1-203-432-9892         :
: Curatorial Affiliate in Entomology    FAX: 1-203-432-9816         :
: Peabody Museum of Natural History  :
: P.O. Box 208118, Yale University                                  :
: New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA                                      :

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