Tiger Swallowtails

jhimmel at comcast.net jhimmel at comcast.net
Fri May 7 17:12:53 EDT 2004

Well, I caught one of those big yellow and black-striped swallowtails with
the hope of figuring out if it was Appalachian or Tiger.  Took some photos
and went online to see if I could find some reference.  I did, and it turns
out it's a bonafide Tiger.

Randy Emmit has some great photos comparing Appalachian and Tiger
Swallowtails.  Go to

I'm going to keep checking, now that I know what to look for.  Tiger
Swallowtails have become more interesting now that they've been "split".


John Himmelman
Killingworth, CT
jhimmel at comcast.net

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