Corrections to field reports

Clay Taylor CTaylor at
Mon May 24 10:30:44 EDT 2004

Hi all -

    Well, the mistakes of a few days field reports are finally catching up with me - 

5/17 at Wapowog - the reported Hobomok Skipper was really my first Dusted Skipper of the year.   I was so busy following the Cobweb Skipper (hasn't been seen since) for photos, when the Dusty popped in, I glanced at the bluish edging to the wings, thought "wow, Fresh Hobomok", snapped a quick picture, and continued stalking the Cobweb.   A few days later, while looking at the Cobweb photos, I wondered aloud "now how did that Dusted Skipper shot from the 19th get into this folder?"   Ooops....

>From Babcock WMA on the 21st, my report of Arrowhead Spiketail was flawed to begin with, and at that time I even put up little question marks to see if there was anybody that would comment on the sighting -

    1) I have only ever seen two Spiketails - Arrowhead and Tiger (Dave Wagner's specimen from the Danbury Bio-Blitz), so my view of     the World of Spiketails is pretty narrow
    2) The Arrowhead Spiketails I have seen in the past have always been cruising over a muddy, wet dirt road, not a dry field (although     the Babcock ode did not hang around very long), hence the question marks
    3) I sent out that e-mail in haste that evening, as I had to leave the house and drive to Worcester, MA, so I never made the time to         check the photos against Dunkle's book.

After Further Review - it was a Delta-spotted Spiketail, Cordulegaster diastatops.   Lifer!  D'oh!

Clay Taylor
Moodus, CT
ctaylor at 
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