sightings, field trip reminder/question

ButterflyPR at ButterflyPR at
Thu Apr 21 16:38:51 EDT 2005

Sunday 4/17 1-3 Spring Azures in our yard in Chester
Tuesday 4/19  2 Cabbage Whites in my mother's yard in Westport
                       Downtown Westport--1 sulphur sp. (assume Clouded, didn't see any             
                           orange) and one Mourning Cloak
Thurs. 4/21  4 Spring Azures at Nature's Art/Dinosaur Crossing in Waterford.

This Sunday, weather permitting (just heard a rumor of rain expected :-( ) Bill Yule will be leading his annual Butterflies/Wildflowers of the Traprock Ridge, this year at Chauncey Peak/Giufrida Park in Meriden.  The directions in the newsletter & on the website read:
>From I-91, take exit 20 (Country Club Rd). Go east on Country Club Rd, passing the State Police HQ (becomes Westfield Rd in Meriden).  You will pass by/under a large quarry operation about 1/4 mile before the park entrance.  The park has a short one-way loop road, with the entrance being right before a golf course on the right side of the road (look for the gray park sign). Follow the road to a dam and park in the main parking area by the dam. The distance from I-91 to the park is about 3 miles.

I was only at the park once, many years ago, but my impression is that it was WEST of I-91.  Can anyone comment on this?

Hope to see you there!
Diane Adams

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