Lighthouse additions

Dori Sosensky dori.sosensky at
Sat Sep 24 23:27:56 EDT 2005

Sorry for the late post, busy day.

After Carol left LHPP, we also had a Variegated Fritillary up by the Hawk 
Watch (pretty sure this is not the same individual as the previously 
reported one, this one was brighter), a Cloudless Sulphur and a Sachem 
(confirmed by Lenny Brown).

Long-tailed Skipper
Fiery Skipper
Ocola Skipper
Cloudless Sulphur
Variegated Fritillary

One big, fat Monarch caterpillar on the butterfly weed.  Also the hawk 
watchers report Monarchs streaming through as early as 7 a.m. Could have 
easily been a hundred + individuals today.

Just to round out the list, Lenny and I also had a Eastern Tailed  Blue.

What a day for LHPP.

Also had a Monarch on my Cosmos.  Never seen one on Cosmos before.


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