Butterfly Sightings

Epmanshell at aol.com Epmanshell at aol.com
Sat Apr 15 15:37:22 EDT 2006

Saturday, 4/15- I walked the top of the ridge in West Rock Ridge St. Park  in 
New Haven and found the following butterflies:
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (1) (My first of the year)
Cabbage White (2)
Falcate Orangetip (12) (10 males, 2 females including one laying eggs. This  
species emerged early this year)
Juniper Hairstreak (1) (My first of the year. It was nectaring on flowers  at 
the overlook.)
Spring Azure (13)
Mourning Cloak (3)
Painted Lady (1) (Vanessa cardui) (My first of the year. Last  year, I saw my 
first Painted Lady at the same site one day later, on April  16th.  I can't 
help but wonder if it is a release.)
Lenny Brown
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