From Newington

Roy Zartarian rzartarian at
Sun Aug 13 20:13:52 EDT 2006

This is a cumulative list of the weekend's (8/12 & 13) haul both at  
the buddleia in the yard  and on Cedar Mountain behind the Humane  
Society.  I was especially happy to see the Red-Spotted Purples.   
Their appearance here is not an annual one, but in the past week I've  
gotten them not only in the yard but also in the new butterfly garden  
at my church about 3/4 mi. away.  These sightings follow that of a  
fresh and cooperative White Admiral during my Lake Champlain sojourn.

Black Swallowtail
Eastern Swallowtail
Cabbage White
Summer Azure
Eastern Tailed Blue
Mourning Cloak
Red Admiral
Red-Spotted Purple
Silver-spotted Skipper
Least Skipper
Peck's Skipper
Zabulon Skipper

Also about:
Chickweed Geometer (Haematopis grataria) in large number
Hummingbird Clearwing (Hemaris thysbe)


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