
RChyinski at aol.com RChyinski at aol.com
Mon Aug 14 17:06:00 EDT 2006

A friend called and said she had caterpillars on her Dutchman's Pipevine  
(Aristolochia macrophylla) and wanted to know if they were Pipevine  Swallowtail 
caterpillars. Went over to check out the caterpillars  and sure enough they 
are Pipevine Swallowtails. 
I collected 4 and now have them feeding in containers on  A.  macrophylla. I 
have had limited success raising Pipevines on A. macrophylla,  their native 
food plant is Aristolochia serpentaria (Virginia Snakeroot) which  is a Listed 
Plant in Ct.
The caterpillars look to be in their 2nd instar and are doing their thing,  
eating & frasing (is there such a word?).
Though it is a bit late in the caterpillar stage (would prefer a first  
instar) I would like to compare raising the caterpillars on macrophylla vs.  
serpentaria. Is there a way to obtain some serpentaria (home  garden, nursery) 
without collecting from wild plants?  Again serpentaria is  "listed" in Ct. so 
collecting from wild plants is out of the question.
Rich Chyinski
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