Hamden leps

jhimmel at comcast.net jhimmel at comcast.net
Wed Aug 16 21:25:38 EDT 2006

Evenin' - Remember about 4-5? years ago we had the Year of the Sachems?  And
a year or two prior, the Year of the Cloudless Sulphurs, just after the Year
of Little Yellows?  Preceded of course by that the incredible Blue Morpho
incursion ?(Ok, made that one up).  I think this is the Year of the
Red-banded Hairstreak.  They seem to be popping up more than usual this
year, yes?

Lenny - I would imagine that if you went through your copious notes, you'd
find records of southern explosions in CT over the last decade+ - info like:
What year produced an unusual amount of what particular southern species.
It could be an interesting base line for possible patterns.  I'm sure there
are inviduals, including some here on this server, who have done this prior
to a decade ago, but I don't think there were as many people then adding to
the data.

Just musings from someone who was stuck inside on this beautiful day.


John Himmelman
Killingworth, CT
jhimmel at comcast.net

"Discovering Amphibians, Frogs and Salamanders of the Northeast"
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  -----Original Message-----
  From: owner-ctleps-l at lists.yale.edu
[mailto:owner-ctleps-l at lists.yale.edu]On Behalf Of biobrand at comcast.net
  Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:59 PM
  To: ctleps-l at lists.yale.edu
  Subject: Hamden leps

  Today at Broken Arrow Nursery at the main nursery off Broken Arrow Rd. in
Hamden I observed the following:

  Checkered White (1) nectaring on just about everything in flower

  White-M Hairstreak (at least 3) on Clethra alnifolia

  Red-banded Hairstreak (1) on Clethra alnifolia

  Variegated Fritillary (1) on Buddleia

  Tiger Swallowtail (20+)
  Spicebush Swallowtail (8)
  Cabbage White (10)
  Clouded Skipper (3)
  Eastern Tailed Blue (1)
  Monarch (5)
  Viceroy (1)
  Pearl Crescent (2)
  Silver-spotted Skipper ( 8)
  Broad-winged Skipper (1)
  Dun Skipper (1)
  Peck's Skipper (4)
  Least Skipper (2)
  Zabulon Skipper (2)
  Wild Indigo Duskywing (5)

  Andy Brand
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