Monarch tagging and Pipevine Swallowtails

RChyinski at RChyinski at
Sun Oct 1 09:14:28 EDT 2006

I used up the last of my Monarch tags yesterday. If anyone has tags that  
they do not think they will use please contact me. Still plenty of  Monarchs that 
can be tagged.
Pipevine info and thoughts on a rainy day
I received a report of a  fresh Pipevine Swallowtail yesterday. The  report 
came from the same person I received 4 Pipevine caterpillars from in  August. 
The caterpillars were found on a Dutchman's Pipevine plant in her  yard.
She successfully raised and released, in early Sept. 5 Pipevine  
Swallowtails.  The appearance of this fresh Pipevine suggests that  Pipevines may have a 
third brood in CT. or a very staggered second brood.   In past years I have 
seen fresh Pipevines flying in August thru early  October.
It seems unlikely that any Pipevines emerging now would have time to  produce 
an over wintering brood as their food sources Virginia Snakeroot  
(Aristolochia  serpentaria) and Dutchman Pipevine are fading fast.  Pipevines over winter 
in the Chrysalis stage. (CBA life histories of Ct  B/F)
The caterpillars were found about 10 miles from the only known site where  
Pipevines could be reliably found. Is this a new over wintering population  in 
Of the four caterpillars I received 3 were released as adults in  early 
Sept., one remains in Chrysalis. Not sure if the Chrysalis is viable.  If it is 
will it become a spring brooded butterfly? It happens to be the only  green 
Chrysalis, the other 3 were gray. 
Rich Chyinski
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